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Would you Like Some Chicken?

Writer's picture: t.noblet.noble

Date: 1999-2000 - I never recorded the exact date.

Myself and someone who looked an awful lot like Leonardo DiCaprio were walking along Spadina Ave in Toronto, Ontario, towards the Gardiner Expressway. We were parked somewhere around there. We saw a UFO flying towards us, thinking at first it was a plane, but then it got closer and closer, and soon hovered right above us. It looked like a white ball, with an inverted plate stuck to the bottom, with 3 large claw type things jutting out from there, exposing lights on the belly of the UFO that we could see. Suddenly we saw hundreds of them in the sky. They were flying downward, and scooping up people or cars, hurting and killing people. We knew we had to get to the car, but instead of making it to my car, a friend of my Leo lookalike pulled up in his purple Sunfire, and we got in.

For some reason the dreams skips, and we are walking along a very well groomed, wide, forested path. Aliens, who look sort of like humans but with odd eyes and wings., fly from above, trying to grab us. We run down the path until we come to a crossroads. There there is a sign. Two arrows point one way, and one arrow the other. The two arrows say "virgins this way, or people who like us", and the other arrow says "for people who don't care". So, since we didn't like the aliens, we take the single arrow road. We come to a clearing. Somehow I know people are being taken, and either killed or made into mindless slaves. A female alien walks up to us. She sees me and looks oddly toward me, then notices my tattoo on my arm. She gasps and says: "You're The... " but before I know what I am I pass out. While being passed out I see the world differently, all in whites, like the sky had been inverted from dark to white, with white stars flying towards me. It was almost like a fugue state within the dream. I snap out of it and my Leo friend is not with me anymore. I ask the alien where he is and she points to a tent in the field. I walk to it, go inside, and on a bed Leo laid, now dressed like Raggedy Andy (a clown like doll with red hair and a clown like smile). I know his mind had been wiped out by the aliens to become a slave. He is still lying on the bed. I go to be beside him and he says: "would you like some chicken?"... I shake him.. and he says.. "would you like some pie?". I start to cry, and for one brief second I see life in his eyes and he says, "in 15 years I might have my mind back", and then he again goes back to being mindless. I know what he was is gone forever. I hold him, and cry and cry and wake up in tears.

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Trish Noble

Writer, Artist, Dreamer.


I design, write, and generally have fun

experimenting and creating things.


Even if I suck at it.


I am a Jungian enthusiast and avid dreamer.


I have four cats.  They all think I'm crazy.

© Trisha Noble - all rights reserved.

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