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Dream, December 21, 2015

Writer's picture: t.noblet.noble

I have had dreams in my past that are oddly prophetic, this is one of them.

My fiancé and I are in the upstairs of a house in a small town.  I think we may live there or we just moved there.  I decide to go on this trolley type thing, a tourist trap – which takes us above the road (like a gondola), and above trains.  But instead of a beautiful landscape I see fires everywhere. Farmhouses on the landscape (hills and trees) are burning, patches of grass, trees, one off fires and patches of fires.  I see caves, caves where creeks run through them; where fire is sparked up inside, as well as fire dancing on water.  There is commentary from others about the fires and that we are going to turn around… we do so, and I see steam coming from the caves now… as the fire meets the water in the caves.

The trolley stops at a fireman’s blockade and I get out.  There is a large wounded squirrel/otter type creature on the ground with what looks like a broken paw.  I approach it and it comes up to me.. and then crawls up to my shoulder and stays.  It is adorable and I decide to take it home so it can heal.  My fiancé meets me at the other side of the blockade and we drive home.

I go home and am worried our house will be next to catch fire as it is old.  I tell my fiancé this but he does not seem worried.  I place the squirrel on a couch or a bed.  Now my father is there as well, and a woman who looks like the actress Sigourney Weaver.

I go downstairs for a bit then come back up, looking for the squirrel. It moved and I call out to it. The cats come first but then the squirrel/otter type animal comes out to me also and again, curls up to me.  I pet it awhile and then move.. and it scurries out to a hall.  But in the hall suddenly a car appears.. trying to get in and turn in the hall from the outside. It’s a red shiny convertible sporty car.  I yell for the car to stop but it runs over my little squirrel. I scream and run to it… a grey haired man in golf (plaid) pants and a golf like hat, gets out to look but he’s killed my squirrel.  I turn away from the bloody mess that is before me. I am inconsolable.  I feel guilty I let the poor thing in my house, only to be killed.  The Woman who is there says something callous and I bark at her.. and then I yell at the  man for coming in and not listening to me to stop.  the woman takes the body of the squirrel away.

That is all I can remember.

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Trish Noble

Writer, Artist, Dreamer.

I design, write, and generally have fun

experimenting and creating things.

Even if I suck at it.

I am a Jungian enthusiast and avid dreamer.

I have four cats.  They all think I'm crazy.

© Trisha Noble - all rights reserved.

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