This one still alludes me, so I repost it, hoping maybe someday I'll understand!
This dream was long, with many strange parts, somehow connected.
It started off with me at a gallery type location, only, this gallery was a mix of digital media company and an actual painting gallery. I remember seeing some old faces from my digital media days there, but for the most part, the computers and desks were mostly empty of people. Just then someone notes my painting work, and starts pulling out raw canvas from a drawer that is all my work. I cannot remember it exactly, only that it is nothing that I have ever actually painted, and it was in a style I’d not expressed before. However, it was really nice work, and I remember liking my own work. The paintings are going to be displayed in the gallery.
I walk towards the gallery part of this building which is mostly a large hall with white walls. There is a downstairs and a staircase to the side, in the middle of this large room. The gallery seems to be at the front and the digital media space at the back. Between the spaces is a dark skinned woman in what looks like Persian like clothing – I understand her to be a psychic or medium, and she tries to sell me on a reading. I tell her she is a fraud and to leave me alone. She counters and I get angry with her, at which point I am set upon by two men, two Persian looking men also in "Alladin" type clothing, all red.
They say they need to read me to determine where my hostility comes from. I tell them I don’t believe in such things, and try to argue facts and science with them. Instead of arguing they just give me a bag of stones and marbles, and ask me to pick one. So, because I didn’t also feel like arguing, I grab a stone, and put it on a table we are now around.
The stone is a white, blank stone. They look puzzled and ask me to draw another. It is also white, but with the words “white confirmed” on it. Then they ask a question about my anxiety, and I draw another stone. This one is black that says on it “high”. They ask other questions but at the end of it, they say.. “you are over 3000 years old, you should remember more than you do, why don’t you?” I’m confused at this point and they say “someone blocked you from remembering, we need you to go back.”
At this point one of them touches me on my forehead and I am given a vision of being in front of another dark skinned woman in red robes. People dance tribal like dancing behind her. She is in front of a fire pit. She says to me.. “no, you will NOT remember!” I look at her closely with determination and she sees I am stubborn. She gets up and comes up close to my face. Her face starts to change and I see fangs and she says loudly: “If you remember I will TEAR YOUR FACE RIGHT OFF!”. I am stunned and scared and pop out of the vision. They ask me what I saw and they nod and I say, “now I know why I don’t trust that psychic, she looks just like the woman in the vision”. The men nod again; they say something to the effect of: “this is powerful magic, it will be hard to break.”
I wake up.