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Jumbled dream images

Writer's picture: t.noblet.noble

November 2005

I don't remember everything about last night's dreams, only tidbits.

The first part I remember is being in a strange sort of theatrical courtroom.; There was a judge at his desk in front, but the seating and everyone in the courtroom was like a tiered theatre. with old red velvet seating. I was in them middle of the room, watching this like a movie. When the judge declared lunch though, everyone RAN, got up and RAN towards the exit doors. I didn't understand why they were all rushing.

I did not want to be in the jumble and panic so I took my time. By the time I got out to go towards the door, I saw the last of the panicked people rushing through, and I saw why. The doors where closing shut, locking us in. The judge didn't make it, and I knew I couldn't make it, so I stopped, knowing that I was going to be shut in the courtroom with these few straglers. I was on the left hand side of the theatre, I asked the judge, who was beside me, if there was another way out (I wasn't quite sure if I could hold my bladder for a whole hour). He insisted there wasn't. I saw an opening though, a small set of stairs leading upward to another door. It was a glass door, and I saw hustle*and bustle outside of it. I asked if THAT door was locked. "Oh yes", he said, "of course it is". I didn't want to believe him, so I climbed the stairs, and to my surprise, the door opened. Everyone in the courtroom stayed however, like they were unwilling to believe there was a way out. I thought I should go tell them, but I got distracted.

Second snippit:

I am very very high up on a building with a group of people; we are all in army type of suits. Someone, a male, has saved me from a fall. He however, did not save himself, and he starts to fall to his death. Being omnipresent in the dream, I see the fall from his perspective. He trys to control his fall, he for some reason is not scared. We are so high up that it takes what seems like a LONG time for him to hit something. He trys to aim towards a skyscraper.... he says.... like he knows I can hear... "I will aim for that building, you should get a good deal for a condo there if I land there" and then the dream blacks out as he hits the roof of the building.

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Trish Noble

Writer, Artist, Dreamer.


I design, write, and generally have fun

experimenting and creating things.


Even if I suck at it.


I am a Jungian enthusiast and avid dreamer.


I have four cats.  They all think I'm crazy.

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