I dreamt about crocodiles. Well, one crocodile really, one really big crocodile.
The dream started in a place that had pools, big rectagangular pools with walking strips between them. Some of the pools were water, and some were a strange yellow acid based substance. You would dissolve if you were immersed in it. There was a metal walking beam/structure around all of the pools, with metal steps on either side of them to go up on the structure
I saw a gigantic (20 or so) foot crocodile emerge from one of the acid pools. I wondered how it survived such a thing, and surmised in my own mind that it must be kind of super freaky crocodile. I was above on the beam, and saw this. I thought I was safe, but the crocodile began to climb the stairs towards me. I had to get out, so I ran down the other set of stairs. It seemed to know what I was going to do and turned around on the stairs to go back down after me. I ran along the cement between the pools, being careful not to fall in an acid pool. I was heading towards a door at the end that headed out.
I remember looking behind me to see this large creature on my tail, but I awoke before remembering what happened next.